
This Month in Psychedelics - June 2020

This Month in Psychedelics.png

Today marks the end of the first half of 2020. It’s crazy to think that so much happened in just six months, but here we are. Between a global pandemic and worldwide protests for racial justice, it might seem like nothing else has been going on. But we can’t forget the murder hornets, toilet paper shortages, Australian bushfires, the tragic death of Kobe Bryant, and so much more that has already happened this year. If the last six months are a reliable indicator of what’s to come, we definitely need to strap in before the ride really gets going.

The psychedelic world has been busy too. This month there was a ton of psychedelic news, including scientific research findings, innovations in the psychedelic industry, and some small wins on the drug policy reform front.

Here is a slimmed-down video recap version that is available for those who prefer an easier-to-digest option:

Without further ado, let’s jump into the news:

A Follow-Up Study Demonstrates Long-Term Benefits of Treating PTSD with MDMA

First up is a story about a new follow-up study that observed impressive long-term benefits that came from treating people who had PTSD with MDMA-assisted psychotherapy.

Compiling followup data from six clinical trials, the researchers found that not only do the positive effects of the therapy hold up for more than a year after the completion of the treatment, but patients also continue to improve as time passes following the active MDMA sessions.

This study just adds more evidence to the ever-growing pile of data backing up the idea that MDMA-assisted psychotherapy is an effective treatment for PTSD.

The World’s First Psychedelic Stock Index

Although the emerging psychedelic industry is still fairly new, several businesses have gone public, which means they can actually be traded on the stock market. But for a while it has been difficult for investors, bankers, analysts, journalists, and other market participants to find out which companies are selling shares.

However, this month CFN Enterprises launched PsyIndex, a new psychedelic stock index that aggregates and tracks the market performance of the multi-billion dollar industry. If you’d like to invest in psychedelic companies, I advise you to check out PsyIndex to become familiar with the overall landscape and read The Trip Report for constructive analysis about the various players in the industry.

A Phase 2 Clinical Trial of LSD for Suicide Headaches Begins Treating Patients

Cluster headaches, also known as “suicide headaches”, are said to be one of the most painful conditions that a human can experience. The pain typically occurs on one side of the head—or above an eye—and a single attack can range from 15 minutes to 3 hours. These attacks often occur in clusters which usually last for weeks or months, and occasionally they go on for more than a year.

Anecdotal reports suggest that LSD can halt an attack in its tracks in addition to decreasing their overall frequency and intensity, but until recently there hasn’t been much modern research into using psychedelics to treat cluster headaches. However, this month a Phase 2 clinical trial investigating whether LSD is an effective treatment for the condition started treating patients.

MindMed and University Hospital Basel’s Liechti Lab are collaborating on that research in addition to other LSD studies: a Phase 2 clinical trial investigating microdosing LSD for adult ADHD and an initiative named “Project Lucy” which is going to focus on LSD experiential therapy for anxiety disorders.

Can DMT Be Used Therapeutically?

MindMed and the Liechti Lab aren’t stopping with LSD. In the final quarter of 2020 they plan to begin a Phase 1 clinical trial that will test various intravenous dosing regimens of DMT to see if the drug can be used therapeutically, with a focus on its efficacy for treating addiction. MindMed hopes that the Phase 1 study will set the stage for future potential Phase 2a proof-of-concept trials.

These two organizations aren’t the only ones interested in exploring the healing potential of DMT. The Yield Growth Corporation announced this month that its subsidiary NeonMind has filed a patent application for the therapeutic use of DMT. The company is planning to investigate whether DMT can be successfully used to treat compulsive eating disorder and other illnesses.

Spanish Porn Star Charged with Manslaughter Following 5-MeO-DMT Ritual

A Spanish porn star named Nacho Vidal was arrested and charged with manslaughter for his connection with a mysterious death following a 5-MeO-DMT ritual. Vidal was one of three people who were arrested due to their involvement with the July 2019 death of Jose Luis Abad, a Spanish fashion photographer.

Abad died after smoking the dehydrated toad venom from Colorado River toad, with contains the psychedelic compound 5-MeO-DMT. At this point we still don’t know exactly what caused the death, but it may have been due to physiological issues like respiratory depression or convulsions related to the ingestion of the venom, rather than any foul play on the behalf of Vidal or the other two people involved.

Drug Policy Activists Are Still Collecting Signatures Despite the COVID-19 Pandemic

Although some drug policy reform efforts had to put an end to their signature collection due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, not every initiative has shared the same fate.

Activists in Montana submitted 130,000 signatures to legalize cannabis and the George Floyd protests actually helped the psychedelic decriminalization campaign in Washington, D.C. It seems that the racial justice protests may have actually counteracted the loss of potential signatures caused by the pandemic.

Psilocybin and the Human Ego

A breakthrough psilocybin study uncovered a new neurochemical mechanism that enables the drug to generate psychedelic effects and dissolve the ego. The study found that psilocybin can change levels of glutamate in the human brain, which in turn determines which type of ego dissolution the patient will experience—positive or negative.

Positively-experienced ego loss is related with heightened mood and euphoria whereas negatively-experienced ego dissolution involves a loss of autonomy and self-control of thought processes. The researchers were able to predict which type of experience the patient was going through by reading the levels of glutamate in the medial prefrontal cortex and hippocampus.

And a meta-analysis of four prior studies found that psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy can engender large reductions in anxiety and depression after the completion of treatment. These benefits were also present at the six-month follow-up.

Ketamine Can Temporarily Shut Down the Brain

Another study found that high doses of ketamine are capable of temporarily shutting down the brain, which may help explain why some people report getting stuck in a “k-hole” after using the drug.

The study didn’t originally set out to study ketamine’s effects; the researchers initially wanted to find a cure for Huntington’s disease, which is a progressive disease that causes a progressive breakdown of nerve cells in the brain. And it wasn’t conducted with humans, either. Sheep were given injections of ketamine and hooked up to an EEG machine, which found that brain activity in the animals shut down entirely following the administration of ketamine. After the effects wore off, brain activity resumed, indicating that the brain can be effectively turned on and off (like a light switch) with ketamine.

That’s all for this month’s update. Remember to always test and weigh your drugs and until next time—keep thinking wilder.

Think Wilder is reader-supported. If you enjoyed this month’s update, please consider helping out by becoming a patron, making a one-time donation, or sharing this post with a friend. Thank you for your support.

This Week in Psychedelics - 5.29.20



  • Supreme Court Declines Case On Marijuana Decriminalization Measures Blocked From Local Ballots (Marijuana Moment)

  • Oklahoma: Governor Vetoes Measure Expanding Medical Cannabis Access, Reducing Possession Penalties (NORML)

  • Man Serving 18 Years On Marijuana Charges Just Died In Federal Prison COVID-19 Outbreak (HuffPost)

  • THC-Infused Semen Can Be A Side Effect Of Frequent Marijuana Use, Study Finds (Marijuana Moment)

  • Louisiana: Senate Passes Amended Bill Permitting Doctors to Recommend Medical Cannabis for “Any Condition” (NORML)

  • Medical Cannabis Trial in the UK Becomes First to Recruit Baby (The Cannabis Exchange)

  • Scientists And Veterans File Lawsuit Challenging DEA’s Marijuana Rescheduling Denials (Marijuana Moment)

  • Scientific Review Concludes That Cannabis Consumers Are at No Greater Risk of Occupational Injuries (NORML)

  • Councillor says 'something stinks' over move to outlaw cannabis smell in West Nipissing (North Bay Nugget)

  • Ancient shrine reveals how marijuana was used to evoke "religious ecstasy" (Inverse)

  • Clinical Trial: Cannabinoid Administration Via a Metered-Dose Inhaler Is Safe and Effective for Chronic Pain Patients (NORML)


  • Errol Morris Sets Timothy Leary LSD Doc at Showtime (Hollywood Reporter)

  • Jefferson Airplane’s Grace Slick allegedly once plotted to spike President Nixon with LSD (Far Out Magazine)

Magic Mushrooms

  • Signatures Submitted For Oregon Measure To Decriminalize Psilocybin (Oregon Public Broadcasting)

  • Get Ready for Pharmaceutical-Grade Magic Mushroom Pills (VICE)

  • Miami University Researchers Collaborate with PsyBio Therapeutics to Biosynthetically Produce Psilocybin, the Psychedelic Ingredient in Magic Mushrooms, and Other Psychoactive Drug Candidates to Treat Mental Health Challenges (Globe Newswire)

  • New Wave Holdings Sponsors Non-Profit Coalition, Therapsil, to Launch a Medical Psilocybin Access Project for Canadians in Palliative Care (PR Newswire)


  • Inside MollyBabes, the Shady Porn Site That Exploited Women on Ecstasy (The Daily Beast)

  • MindMed Adds MDMA to Develop Next-Gen Psychedelic Therapies (PR Newswire)


  • New Study Shows How DMT Refreshes Perceptions (Lucid News)


  • Survey on the Awareness of Sexual Abuse in Ayahuasca Settings (Chacruna)

  • Supporting Grassroots Initiatives for Indigenous People in the Amazon during COVID (Chacruna)

Novel Psychoactive Substances

  • The Complete Guide to 4-AcO-DMT: Synthetic Shrooms or in a Class of Its Own? (DoubleBlind)

  • Solved: The Crystal Structure of N-Methyl-N-Propyltryptamine (MPT) (Psychedelic Science Review)

Nitrous Oxide

  • Deadly new 'drug of choice' known as 'hippy crack' taking over Dublin as parents make shock discovery of bullet cylinders on ground (Dublin Live)


  • New Study Backs Ketamine as Treatment Option for Depression (MD Magazine)

  • Esketamine nasal spray may rapidly reduce depressive symptoms, suicidal ideation with intent (Healio)


  • Artist warns of the dangers of the drug PCP, saying taking it as a student triggered terrifying breakdowns - including one manic episode where she plunged 30ft from a window (Daily Mail)


  • Psilocybin Treatment And Drug Decrim Campaigns Submit Signatures To Qualify For Oregon Ballot (Marijuana Moment)

  • New Study Categorizes All The Unexplainable Experiences Produced By Psychedelic Drugs (IFLScience)

  • COVID-19 is costing drug cartels millions of dollars (NBC)

  • Why Psychedelic Researchers Should Not Push Back Against Decriminalization (Chacruna)

  • Mental Health Startup Osmind Helps Patients Seek Psychedelic Treatments (Psychedelic Times)

  • Two New Releases Show Technology’s Psychedelic Frontier (Lucid News)

  • Musings around Psychedelic Integration Therapy (Psychedelics Today)

  • Native Tribes Should Have More Say in the Psychedelic Movement (DoubleBlind)

  • Toronto's first psychedelic therapy clinic is open. We gave it a try (NOW Magazine)

  • Dr. Gabor Maté, recognised physician and bestselling author, joins Numinus as Member of the Clinical Advisory Council (Numinus)

  • Mice on Acid (Nautilus)

  • Mystical Experience and Psychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapy: Insights from Guided-Imagery Therapy with Cancer Patients (Psychedelics Today)

  • Novamind and Buzz Capital Announce Qualifying Transaction (Globe Newswire)

Think Wilder is reader-supported. If you enjoyed this week’s update, please consider helping out by becoming a patron, making a one-time donation, or sharing this post with a friend. Thank you for your support.

Disclaimer: "This Week in Psychedelics" does not censor or analyze the news links presented here. The purpose of this column is solely to catalogue how psychedelics are presented by the mass media, which includes everything from the latest scientific research to misinformation.

Weekend Thoughts - 8.8.15

Image by Lisa Omarali, courtesy of Creative Commons licensing.

Image by Lisa Omarali, courtesy of Creative Commons licensing.

Happy Saturday y'all! Below, I have rounded up some things for you to think about this weekend:

1. There was yet another great piece at Ask The Festival Lawyer this week. This time, the topic is: are drug testing reagent kits technically legal and do they qualify as drug paraphernalia? The bottom line is that testing kits are essentially legal under all federal drug laws, and for the most part are legal for personal ownership under state laws. However, owners of head shops in states where drug paraphernalia laws include the a limitation on devices that "identify, analyze, or test" controlled substances should be wary that they may technically fall on the other side of the law because they are operating a business. All in all, it comes down to something I've talked about a few times on Think Wilder—shouldn't harm reduction practices that enable people to have know the purity of what they are planning to ingest be allowed?

2. Defying a Supreme Court decision, the country of India banned pornography websites and then reversed its decision less than 48 hours later, after worldwide criticism. But ISPs are still going to block the websites anyway. Regardless of your personal opinion about pornography, is it right for an entire country to block access to parts of the Internet?

3. I enjoyed this take on the struggle with social media. Points made include the reinforcement of one's ego when seeking likes and comments, the ability to make connections with strangers who live far away, the lurking possibility of those connections becoming mere distractions, and the balance between honesty and fakery that exists when promoting one's work on social media platforms. As someone who spends a fair amount of time on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and the Psychedelic Chat on Slack, I can definitely relate to a lot of the points made here. I find that choosing to use social media involves a lot of responsibility, and is not always strictly a fun experience.

4. Speaking of banning things, Los Angeles county is planning to move forward with banning EDM festivals altogether following the deaths of some patrons of HARD Summer Music Festival last week. The deaths have been anecdotally attributed to MDMA, but there isn't any solid evidence to confirm that at this time. It seems to me that improving (and in some cases, simply implementing) harm reduction practices would be a better solution than restricting an entire music genre's ability to put on a music festival.

5. I'm really fascinated by the infographics that have been making their way around the Internet that show what happens one hour after consuming a can of Coca-Cola or Diet Coke. I had a love affair with sodas for a large portion of my life, but gave them up almost entirely a few years ago. Nowadays I only have a soda once or twice a year, and I am glad that I have cut back so drastically from the days when I used to drink 192 ounces of Mountain Dew every day! 

6. A piece on the differences between deliberate mindfulness and effortless mindfulness.

7. New scientific research showing that a diet high in leafy greens, beans, berries, wholegrains and wine can slow cognitive decline. Eat your fruits and veggies!

That's all for this week's edition of Weekend Thoughts. Until next week, keep thinking wilder.