Tech Startup Unveils Futuristic Anti-Virus Bodysuit with Vaping Capabilities

Zach Harris, writing for MERRY JANE:

As quarantine continues with no end in sight, people are getting restless. But more than just going back to work or dining in a restaurant, companies are beginning to explore what our favorite pastimes might look like in a future marred by viral fear. For one California tech startup, that means festival-goers watching concerts through sealed super suits with built-in beverage and vape consumption modules.

According to Fast Company, Los Angeles-based tech startup Production Club is already knee-deep in the process of designing what they call the Micrashell — an airtight half-suit and helmet that would encase the wearer for the entirety of any given festival. To ensure that those wearing the suit can easily use the bathroom, or do other things that don’t involve pants (wink, wink…), the prototype only covers the top half of the body.

An antivirus bodysuit for festivalgoers that will enable them to vape, drink, and have sex in a world ravaged by contagious disease? Sign. Me. Up.