
Weekend Thoughts - 10.3.15

Image by Hernán Piñera, courtesy of Creative Commons licensing.

Image by Hernán Piñera, courtesy of Creative Commons licensing.

Happy Saturday y'all! Below, I have rounded up some things for you to think about this weekend:

1. The search for extraterrestrial life is one of my favorite topics. Scientists have been attempting to find water on Mars, and this week NASA announced that evidence for liquid water on Mars has been found. That's pretty big news, because that means there could be life on Mars, and the planet could support human life in the future. 

2. Some politicians have recently proposed that beneficiaries of the social welfare system should have their names published for all to see. An article from ATTN: proposes that the government also publish the names of companies who receive monies from the corporate welfare system (the top five are McDonald's, Olive Garden, the NFL, oil companies, and agricultural companies). After all, if people want to scrutinize impoverished citizens at the lower end of the economic scale who receive help, why not also scrutinize the privileged business folk at the top who are essentially doing the same thing? 

3. When skateboarding became emerged in the 1950s, the media was confused. Ratter put together an amusing collection of newspapers that just didn't the sport at all.

4. Something that I have long held as a personal hunch, it turns out that the FBI really does have the methods to spy on any Internet activity they want to, whether it is encrypted or not. Although they may not legally be able to do so, the organization has the means to hack devices and get past the levels of encryption that provide the infrastructure for technological innovations like the Dark Web. In addition, the FBI has been pushing for the ability to install spying malware directly into operating system updates, which the article covers in detail. They are already able to decrypt our communication, and I believe that side of the war has already been won. This is why I have been arguing for a movement toward two-way transparency, rather than an insistence on personal privacy.

5. Wired has its eyes set on the future horizon in its piece about platform blogging, which they have dubbed plogging. Social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter are planning to release features that will allow their users to publish long-form posts on the platforms, essentially enabling the option to blog on a social media platform. The concept is interesting, and it may just work—there are fascinating things that everyone has to share with the world, and it is easier for the average Internet user to read content produced in a social media platform feed than to go directly to a blog or news website. The tradeoff here—from what I can see—is that the content would be published on the social media platform, so the writer wouldn't have control over it the same way she would if it was published on a personal website. We'll have to see if it kicks off. Maybe it's time for more people to start thinking about the possibility of creating long-form content for other people to read?

6. The concept of universal basic income has been a fascinating and inspiring idea to me for a while, and it turns out that offering money to citizens regardless of employment is an idea that is becoming increasingly accepted by both sides of the political divide. Could it be the end to poverty that we are looking for?

7. Would you like to eat less plastic? Maybe you should reduce or eliminate your consumption of fish, since a recent study found that one-in-four fish consumed contains plastic. In addition to taking this into consideration for your own health, don't forget about the health of your extended family—your pets!

8. This most likely doesn't come as a surprise to Think Wilder readers, but it turns out that DARE—the anti-drug "educational" program—was not effective. At all. I remember receiving DARE "education" classes during my elementary schooling in the 1990s, and they fed me with undeserved fear and paranoia about all drugs that remained unchecked until the mid 2000s, during my college years. It was at that time that I learned about amazing resources like Erowid, NORML, and MAPS by listening to the Psychedelic Salon podcast. Since then, I have learned that educating myself is more fruitful and valuable than anything the establishment could ever shove down my throat. I believe that the best education for children is to be honest about the potential dangers and the potential benefits that some drugs have to offer. Outright dishonesty and political propaganda does nothing but embed a feeling of distrust in our youth. They will eventually find out that, like Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, much of the anti-drug rhetoric that is taught in schools is false. And when that happens, it is possible that they will make bad decisions—which could have been prevented with accurate information—because they assume the entire message was false.

9. Finally, local readers may enjoy this brief history of cannabis legislation in North Carolina from 1977 to 2015.

That's all for this week's edition of Weekend Thoughts. Until next week, keep thinking wilder.

Weekend Thoughts - 9.5.15

Image by mark6mauno, courtesy of Creative Commons licensing.

Image by mark6mauno, courtesy of Creative Commons licensing.

Happy Saturday y'all! Below, I have rounded up some things for you to think about this weekend:

1. An interesting take on AI in an article titled Will Artificial Intelligence get high? This is something I had never considered before, but it is an interesting concept to explore. I like this quote at the end: "So if there ever is an epic battle between the sentient machine and humanity, AI has already won; because we are starting to depend on it—and only because we designed it that way."

2. ATTN: 5 Charts That Prove the War on Drugs Is a Nightmare. Here are the main points:

  1. More federal prisoners are being given longer sentences than before the 1980s—average prison sentence for federal drug offenders rose 36% while sentences for all other offenders declined 3%.

  2. Sentences have become increasingly harsh for federal drug offenders—probation has virtually disappeared as a sanction for them.

  3. The war on drugs hasn't stopped people from using illicit substances—in fact, illegal drug use has increased.

  4. Federal law enforcement agencies have been targeting mostly low-level drug offenders—nearly half of those sentenced for drug crimes in 2009 were street-level dealers or below while suppliers and importers represented just 11%.

  5. Reduced sentences does not translate into higher recidivism rates.

I definitely suggest taking a look at the article and sharing it with your family, friends and open-minded colleagues.

3. In commemoration of today's holiday, Jury Rights Day, I wanted to share an article about how Denver is unconstitutionally harassing citizens that inform the public about the process of jury nullification. For those of you not in the know, jury nullification is a legal practice that gives the jury in a trial the right to acquit a defendant (even if the members of the jury may believe the defendant performed an illegal act), because they don't believe the defendant should be punished for it. This has proved to be a very powerful tactic in drug war reform, as juries can decide to simply not punish a defendant for a law that may have been broken, on the collective opinion that the law itself is unjust. The fact that Denver is attempting to prevent people from spreading information about jury nullification is upsetting and wrong. More people ought to know that they can have a huge impact when serving on juries, so please share the knowledge about this practice with your friends and family.

4. In a news story that reminded me of the stoner comedy Biodome, it seems that NASA has initiated a Mars isolation experiment on Earth by securing six people for one year inside a dome in Hawaii. The idea behind the experiment is to maintain a Mars-like environment with no animals and limited vegetation and keep the team in isolation to prepare them for living on Mars. The structure they are living in is 36 feet in diameter and 20 feet tall, and the crew is expected to eat foods like powdered cheese and canned tuna, only go outside if fully dressed in a space suit, and have extremely limited access to the Internet. I'm sure they won't be laughing nearly as much as Pauly Shore and Stephen Baldwin did in the movie.

5. A new study shows that long exposure to minute amounts (below the level permissible in U.S. water) of Monsanto's Roundup can lead to liver and kidney damage. The research looked at prolonged exposure to the herbicide and one of its key ingredients—glyphosate. Do these findings constitute more evidence that we should let our wildlife grow wilder?

6. This article on why drug tests are a massive scam really nails it. I've long been a ferocious opponent of the drug testing industry, and this article points out many of the reasons that I have come to that conclusion. Among some of the best tidbits from the article: the tests are easily beaten, they discriminate against drugs that are actually less harmful, they waste money for employers and provide a constant revenue stream for private corporations that administer them, and they don't deter drug use. In many cases employers end up losing their most qualified employees due to drug testing. Gifted and talented students are prevented from participating in extracurricular activities due to drug testing, and/or lose their access to federal aid for university. Did you know that 90% of positive drug tests are attributed to cannabis use, and that if you smoked a joint three Friday nights ago and remained completely sober since then, you would likely still test positive for cannabis use? Why is it acceptable for alcohol users to get completely blitzed in their free time with a drug that is far more harmful than cannabis, yet smokers are discriminated against through the unconstitutional practice of drug testing? If you have any doubts about the lack of merit concerning drug testing, I beg you to read this article.

That's all for this week's edition of Weekend Thoughts. Until next week, keep thinking wilder.