Celebrating Think Wilder's Sixth Anniversary

Today Think Wilder is turning six.

That’s right—six years ago I launched this blog, and a whole lot has happened since then. In this commemorative post I’m going to go over the evolution of my work here at Think Wilder, share a couple improvements that I’ve made to the website, and give an update about where I’m taking things in the future.

Think Wilder’s History

So let’s start off with a little bit of history. This blog’s first post was published on March 27th, 2015. Before that, I had launched two other blogs that eventually ran out of steam.

The first was a cigar review blog; I don’t remember its name. I used to be really into cigars, smoking anywhere from 1-3 cigars a day, trading them with people online, subscribing to cigar magazines, and spending thousands of dollars on them over the course of 2 or 3 years.

That was shortly before I got into psychedelics. I hadn’t even tried cannabis when I got into cigars, so in a way, tobacco was one of my gateway drugs. Although really my gateway drug would’ve been caffeine, because I drank a lot of soda when I was younger and got into coffee before I got into cigars.

But anyway, I digress. My second blog was a book review blog where I wrote reviews about the books I was reading at the time. It was called DDubsReads because one of my nicknames in college was D Dubs (short for “David Wilder”) and I liked reading. It was kind of a silly name to be honest.

I wrote a fair amount of reviews of books about psychedelics but was a bit afraid to exclusively write about them because this was a bit before psychedelics really went mainstream. It was around 2008-2010 or so. In addition to writing reviews about psychedelic books, I also reviewed science fiction, classics, science, nutrition, and spiritual books.

It was a fun blog to run but eventually I stopped posting content, and I essentially stopped blogging for 3 or 4 years, if I’m remembering my timeline correctly.

Then one day while I was listening to one of my favorite tech podcasts (The Talk Show) I got the inspiration to start up a third blog, and after some brainstorming I decided to name it Think Wilder.

I wasn’t exactly sure what I was going to write about, so my early posts varied in topic quite a bit but included a lot of the same types of topics as the books I reviewed for DDubsReads. In fact, the tagline I chose for the site was “An Open-Minded Exploration of Everything.” That doesn’t really explain what to expect from a blog called Think Wilder, does it?

A few years into this project I decided to narrow down the topics I wanted to cover on Think Wilder to psychoactive drugs, spirituality, technology, and personal development. Then a little over a year ago I made the decision to stop covering news about all psychoactive drugs and instead go back to just covering psychedelic news, in addition to creating content about the other topics.

And today I’m going to be making an announcement about how I’m niching down even further now, so that I can focus on what I really want to talk about with my platform.

But before we get to that I want to share a couple improvements I’ve made here on the blog.

Site Improvements

Every year I celebrate my blogiversary by announcing improvements to the site, and this year’s no different. As of today, there are now two new archive pages that will make it easier and faster for you to find the blog posts I’ve written.

The first site improvement is a resource guides archive, which is where you’ll find a list of the resource guides I have created. As of now there’s only one but I’m planning to create some more this year.

The second improvement is a general archive page that lists the blog posts that don’t fit into the other defined categories on my blog: reviews, link posts, resource guides, and psychedelic news roundups and recaps.

You can check the new archive pages out by hovering over the “Categories” menu item at the top of the site, and please let me know if you have any ideas for site improvements that you’d like to see me implement in the future.

A New Direction

So getting back to what I teased earlier, I’ve decided to niche down a bit further and narrow my focus to psychedelic news, reviews, and resource guides.

I may still post something that would fall into the categories of spirituality, technology, personal development, or any another topic, but I’m really going to be focusing primarily on psychedelics from here on out.

It’s just that there is so much to talk about in the world of psychedelics that I’ve been plenty busy keeping up with it all and haven’t really had the time and space to create content about other things for a while, and so I’ve decided that Think Wilder is going to be all about psychedelics moving forward.

It’s crazy to think that it took me six years to figure out what I really want to create content about, even though looking back it should’ve probably been more obvious. I suppose in this case, hindsight is actually 20/21!

Psychedelics are the most fascinating thing I’ve ever come across and I want to use my platform to spread information about them so people don’t end up making the same mistakes I did when I first started experimenting with psychedelics 15 years ago.

So if you’re here for news, reviews, or resource guides related to psychedelics then stick around because that’s going to be my main focus from now on. Here’s to six years, and many more.

Previous Years

Every year I celebrate my blogiversary by announcing improvements to the site. Here’s what I did to celebrate the first five blogiversaries at Think Wilder: